
We process the following standard pack styles:

  • 1#, 2#, 5# polybag IQF Mango Chunks
  • 20#, 30# IQF Mango Pieces
  • 30# IQF Mango for smoothie applications
  • 30# IQF Mango Select Chunks
  • 30# IQF Mango Diced 3/8" or 1/2"
  • 12/2 ct. IQF Mango Halves
  • 28#-30#, 400#-425# Mango Puree straight pack or sugar added

Please contact us for special requests or further details.

Request Product Specs

The product is prepared under strict sanitary conditions in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices. Deliveries conform in every respect to applicable United States FDA regulations and the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.